Owner Managed Homes
Building Green
Many of our customers ask us about building green for their new custom home. Building an energy-efficient, cost-saving home is smart thing to do and with the Owner Managed Homes program there are several ways we can make sure your new home performs at peak efficiency.
But at Owner Managed Homes, we also go beyond energy, our Green Building is about holistic, healthier, 360 building and are able to take in all of your needs concerns, values, safety, and lifestyle. Talk to us today. We have experts in every area from energy to allergens. At Owner Managed Homes, Green Building is more than just marketing.
From LED lights to the most modern insulation options and building materials- we’re eager to visit with you regarding your conservation ideas. Reclaimed building materials often not only save money during construction, but also can have ascetic appeal as well. Water retention systems and solar power can also reduce utility costs while adding value to your home.
Have more ideas on how to build green? We want to hear them! With Owner Managed Homes we’ll work together as a team to construct a house that’s less expensive to build and less expensive to live in for many years to come!
Our program offers you three options: Owner-Managed, Partially- Managed, and Fully-Managed.
We would love the opportunity to visit with you about your build! We take great pride in our customer service and experience. We know that it’s important to have a good relationship with your builder and we are ready to talk with you about your new home! Contact us today to simply talk ideas or to schedule a meeting.